1. Numerical Methods/Analysis
Course Objectives: To comprehend various computational techniques to find an approximate value for possible root(s) of non-algebraic equations and find the approximate solutions of a system of linear equations and ordinary differential equations system. Also, the use of a Computer Algebra System (CAS) by which the numerical problems can be solved both numerically and analytically to enhance problem-solving skills.
Course Learning Outcomes: The course will enable the students to:
i) Learn some numerical methods to find the zeroes of nonlinear functions of a single variable and the solution of a system of linear equations up to a certain given level of precision.
ii) Know about methods to solve linear equations, such as Gauss−Jacobi, Gauss−Seidel, and SOR methods.
iii) Interpolation techniques to compute the values for a tabulated function at points not in the table.
iv) Applications of numerical differentiation and integration to convert differential equations into difference equations for numerical solutions.
2. C++ Programming for Mathematics
Course Objectives: This course introduces C++ programming in the idiom and context of mathematics and imparts a starting orientation using available mathematical libraries and their applications.
Course Learning Outcomes: On completing this paper, the student will be able to:
i) Understand and apply the programming concepts of C++, which is essential to mathematical investigation and problem-solving.
ii) Learn about structured data types in C++, learn about applications in the factorization of an integer, and understand Cartesian geometry and Pythagorean triples.
iii) Use of containers and templates in various applications in algebra.
iv) Use mathematical libraries for computational objectives.
v) Represent the outputs of programs visually in terms of well-formatted text and plots.
3. Cryptography and Network Security
Course Objectives: This course helps the students to develop skills and knowledge of standard concepts in cryptography and demonstrates how cryptography plays an important role in the present digital world by knowing encryption and decryption techniques and secure data in transit across data networks.
Course Learning Outcomes: After the course, the student will be able to:
i) Understand the fundamentals of cryptography and computer security attacks.
ii) Learn about various ciphers and data encryption standard.
iii) Review basic concepts of number theory and finite fields.
iv) Learn about advanced encryption standard.
v) Understand the fundamentals of RSA and elliptic curve cryptography.
vi) Encrypt and decrypt messages using block ciphers, sign and verify messages using well known signature generation and verification algorithms.
4. Introduction to Information Theory and Coding
Course Objectives: This course is an introduction to the application of mathematics in financial world, that enables the student to understand some computational and quantitative techniques required for working in the financial markets and actuarial mathematics.
Course Learning outcomes: On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
i) Know the basics of financial markets and derivatives including options and futures.
ii) Learn about pricing and hedging of options, as well as interest rate swaps.
iii) Learn about no-arbitrage pricing concept and types of options.
iv) Learn stochastic analysis (Ito formula, Ito integration) and the Black−Scholes model.
v) Understand the concepts of trading strategies and valuation of currency swaps.
B.Sc. (H)
B.Sc. (Prog.)
1. Calculus and Geometry
Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are to consider applications of derivatives for sketching of curves and conics and application of definite integrals for calculating volumes of solids of revolution, length of plane curves and surface areas of revolution which are helpful in understanding their applications in plenary motion, design of telescope and to many real-world problems.
Course Learning Outcomes: This course will enable the students to:
i) Sketch curves in a plane using its mathematical properties in the different coordinate systems of reference.
ii) Compute area of surfaces of revolution and the volume of solids by integrating over crosssectional areas.
iii) Be well versed with conics and quadric surfaces so that they should able to relate the shape of real life objects with the curves/conics.
2. Real Analysis
Course Objectives: The course will develop a deeper and more rigorous understanding of defining terms and proving results about convergence of sequences and series of real numbers, having vide applications in real-world problems.
Course Learning Outcomes: This course will enable the students to:
i) Familiar with the concept of sequences, series and recognize convergent, divergent, bounded, Cauchy and monotone sequences.
ii) Test the convergence and divergence of series using the ratio test, Leibnitz test.
iii) Understand and apply the basics of Riemann integration.
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)
1. SEC-1: LaTeX and HTML
Course Objectives: The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with the latest typesetting skills, which shall enable them to prepare high quality typesetting, beamer presentation and webpages.
Course Learning Outcomes: After studying this course the student will be able to:
i) Create and typeset a LaTeX document.
ii) Typeset a mathematical document using LaTex.
iii) Learn about pictures and graphics in LaTex.
iv) Create beamer presentations. v) Create web page using HTML.
2. SEC-2: Computer Algebra Systems and Related Software
Course Objectives: This course aims at familiarizing students with the usage of computer algebra systems (Mathematica/ MATLAB/ Maxima/ Maple) and the statistical software R. The basic emphasis is on plotting and working with matrices using CAS. Data entry and summary commands will be studied in R. Graphical representation of data shall also be explored.
Course Learning Outcomes: This course will enable the students to:
i) Use of computer algebra systems (Mathematica/ MATLAB/ Maxima/ Maple etc.) as a calculator, for plotting functions and animations
ii) Use of CAS for various applications of matrices such as solving system of equations and finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
iii) Understand the use of the statistical software R as calculator and learn to read and get data into R.
iv) Learn the use of R in summary calculation, pictorial representation of data and exploring relationship between data.
v) Analyze, test, and interpret technical arguments on the basis of geometry.